Common Vara HF APRS Frequencies

An important aspect of APRS is making you are on frequency. If you’re off, then there is not going to be anyone out there to decode your packet. All APRS activity is done on Upper Side Band (USB). Here are the most common frequencies used on HF APRS with the use of the Vara modem:

7.083.5 mHz – this 40 meter frequency can get quite popular when the conditions are good. I have shared APRS chats with stations 3000 miles away. Mobile experiments through the PacNW area of the US has shown Zero missed packets.

14.103.0 mHz – this 20 meter frequency is much more popular in Europe than in the US. It’s a great option if you’re on the east coast of the US to reach out across the Atlantic for some DX.

10.147.60 10.148.200 mHz – There is only one station I know of that is pretty constantly using 30 meter APRS. 10.148.2mHz is a new frequency for 30m to clear up potential interference with other radio operators. (as mentioned in comments below.)

5.403.5 mHz – 60 meter “Channel 5” is also a shared frequency. Again, I only know a single person that uses 60m for Vara APRS.

A great way to be successful is if you can narrow your SSB width. VaraHF operates within 500hz. I like to narrow my SSB width to 600hz. This will help cut down on other interference and also give a little bit of wiggle room if someone is slightly off frequency.






6 responses to “Common Vara HF APRS Frequencies”

  1. Jose Manuel Martinez Barbera Avatar
    Jose Manuel Martinez Barbera

    28.148 mhz

    1. W7BSB Avatar

      Yes! A great 10m freq

  2. Stephen H. Smith Avatar

    30M HF APRS-over-VARA which has become fairly-well established on 10.147.600 MHz USB carrier freq is causing overlap problems with RPR (Robust Packet Radio) just below the customary APRS-over-VARA channel.

    VARA-over-APRS is moving effective 1 January 2025 to a new dial frequency of 10.148.200 Mhz which places it just ABOVE the AX.25 packet APRS on 30M.

    Full details are on

    1. W7BSB Avatar

      Good to know! I’ve seen your exploits on 30m and they’re impressive. We’ve had exchanges across the Pacific with Japan and Taiwan on 40m from the US West Coast. Even a few in Mexico City.
      I’ll updated the frequency list. I appreciate you letting me know.

  3. Mark Avatar


    I am using vara download emails and gribs while sailing.
    Would love to use APRS as it seems to offer longer range with js8call

    Is there anyone who could explain to me how this is done?


    1. W7BSB Avatar

      I go a long way in this blog to cover just that very thing. Sounds like all you need is to pick out an APRS client (PinPoint is easiest) and tune the right frequency.

      There is also Facebook group Vara APRS with a lot of knowledgeable users.


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